Okay, So I've finally decided to catch up to the rest of the world and start a blog. I figure if people that are less interesting than me can have interesting blogs then I can have one too! Hopefully, I am awesome, I mean, I kinda suck at writing my thoughts out (well, typing for that matter). I read a lot of blogs thanks in large part to Google-fuhrer, so I guess it was only a matter of time before I got sucked in too! I'm pretty excited, I don't even have to have a billion friends, I just think it's kind of nice to sit down and let some random stuff out on the interwebz.
Today seemed like a great day to start blogging: I woke up without the aid of an alarm, the sun was shining through my window (a rare sight lately), I felt ridiculously rested, and Facebook altered me to several comments and friends requests. Ah, the little things in life. Everyone will agree that logging into ANY service and having lots of friend requests/comments make you feel SO cool! Anyways, so I checked my ritualistic sites, Jalopnik (to satisfy my witty car-related thirst), Facebook, Myspace, Dallas Morning News, My e-mail, and YouTube. Woot. Seemed like any other day? Well ... it was. Except, for some reason while googling anything related to a Dallas Space Needle (I PROMISE it makes sense in context), I stumbled upon this blog: Durango Texas. Weird right? Well, this guy is awesome, too bad he's stuck in Texas (MWAHAHAHA! - I happen to love Texas). That's where this whole blogging thing comes in, I wanted to make a comment and NOT be anonymous. So there. Blogging story done, if you can follow it. I told you. Random. Alllllll the time. Imagine being me, or someone that hangs around me all the time, whew!
Chilly Windy Wichita Falls Return To Lucy Park Reminder Of Columbus Day
Storm & Great Depression
Today, for the first time this third month of 2025, day 5, also known as
Wednesday, it was back to Lucy Park I ventured for some semi-chilly, windy
1 day ago
Why was I not informed that you'd started a blog and that you thought that Durango Texas guy to be awesome?
You chose the same blog theme color scheme thing as my poodle nephews Blue & Max. They've been blogging for a long time now.
I didn't know that I had to tell everyone I blogged! I thought it was common knowledge if you were on Blogger that you blogged, guess not. 'Dango, you're stories are always interesting, but don't get all full of yourself!
I can't decide on a theme I like, speaking of. The ones I like aren't wide enough for picture and video posting. :(
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